Configuring Data Display on Scala2

You can display measurements taken by the sensors (e.g. distances between doors, depth, pitch and roll...) on pages in Scala2.

About this task

Sensor measurements are displayed in the control panels, under Sensors DataMx. Data title should be:
  • Spread Master / Spread Slave / Spread Clump for Spread sensors.
  • Door Sounder

The title is followed by the node where the sensor was placed when added to the system. Data displayed (e.g. spread distances, pitch & roll) depends on the firmware installed.

Displaying Doors 3D View

Before you begin

You need to have Spread sensors with pitch and roll option activated.


  1. From the top left corner of the page click Menu > Customize and enter the password eureka.
  2. From the top toolbar, click the add icon .
  3. From Standard Pages, click Trawl Doors (Front) to see doors from vessel or Trawl Doors (Back) to see doors from trawl.
    Port and starboard trawl doors are displayed.
  4. Open the customize panel, then go to Mx and drag Door 3D View to the page.
  5. To change the door or clump model:
    1. From the top left corner, click Menu > Settings.
    2. Click the Trawl tab and select the models of doors and clump from the lists, using left and right arrows.
  6. You can also change the viewing angle: looking from the trawl toward the vessel (front), or from the vessel toward the trawl (back).
  7. To change the view angle of the door, right-click the 3D view and choose:
    • Horizontal Camera to see the doors from the front: Or back:
    • Vertical Camera to see the doors from above.
    • Free Camera to adjust the viewing angle yourself, by clicking and dragging the 3D doors.
  8. To display or hide the ground, right-click the 3D view and select or not Display Ground. You should leave the ground displayed, in order to see if the doors are touching it.
  9. Deactivate the Customize mode when you have finished customizing pages: click Menu > Customize again.

Displaying Single Trawl Spread

Before you begin

You need to have Spread sensors that send distance between port and starboard doors.


  1. From the top left corner of the screen, click Menu > Customize and enter the password eureka.
  2. In Control Panels > Sensors Data, click + hold distance data from spread sensors such as Distance to Stb from a Spread Master and drag it to the page display.
  3. Open the control panels and from the Mx tab, click + hold distance data from spread sensors such as Distance to Stbd from a Spread Master and drag it to the page display.
  4. In Choose new Gauge Type, select History Plot.
  5. Right-click the history plot and select Vertical.
    The history plot becomes vertical. You can see the distance between the port and starboard door.
  6. If you have a firmware version 08.03 and above, you can display the battery level on the plot. Right-click the title of the plot and click Battery Indicator.
  7. Deactivate the Customize mode when you have finished customizing pages: click Menu > Customize again.

Displaying Twin Trawl Spread

Before you begin

You need to have twin trawls and Spread sensors with dual or triple distance option.


  1. From the top left corner of the screen, click Menu > Customize and enter the password eureka.
  2. If you have twin trawls with 2 measured distances, drag to the page the Spread Master Distance to Stbd, then drag Distance to Clump above the plot of the distance to starboard. Right-click the plot and click Vertical.
    Distances between the port door and starboard door and between the port door and clump are displayed.
  3. Right-click the title of the plot and click Battery Indicator to display the battery level of the sensor.
  4. If you have twin trawls with 3 measured distances, open the Customize panel and go to the Mx tab.
    • Click + drag a Twin Trawl Spread Plot to the page. You can know if the clump is centered when the yellow dashed line is above the red and green lines.
    • Or click + drag a Twin trawl Spread Diagram to only display the diagram.
    Now you can see the distances between:
    • port door and starboard door,
    • port door and clump,
    • clump and starboard door.
    Note: Right-click the plot and click Single Trawl Spread Plot if you need to switch to single trawl.
  5. If you have twin trawls with 3 measured distances: drag to the page one spread distance such as a Spread Master Distance to Stbd, then right-click the plot and click Twin Trawl Spread Plot.
    You now have an history plot and a diagram displaying the distance between:
    • port door and starboard door,
    • port door and clump,
    • clump and starboard door.

    You can know if the clump is centered when the yellow dashed line is above the red and green lines.

    Note: Right-click the diagram and click Single Trawl Spread Plot if you need to switch to single trawl.
  6. You can also find the diagram for triple distance in the control panels: click Customize, then drag the Twin Trawl Spread Diagram to the page.
    The diagram is displayed.
  7. Deactivate the Customize mode when you have finished customizing pages: click Menu > Customize again.

Displaying Door Sounder Echograms

You can display echograms from Door Sounder sensors in order to see how doors are placed above the sea bottom.


  1. From the top left corner of the screen, click Menu > Customize and enter the password eureka.
  2. Go to the control panels and from the Mx tab,In Control Panels > Sensor Data, click + hold Sonar Data from a Door Sounder or Bottom Explorer (Door Sounder with target strength calibration) and drag it to the page display.
    The echogram is displayed.
  3. Deactivate the Customize mode when you have finished customizing pages: click Menu > Customize again.

Changing the Distance from the Door Sounder to the Bottom

You can change the distance at which the Door Sounder echogram begins.

About this task

By default, the echogram is displayed beginning from the sensor position. You can increase the distance at which the echogram begins to:
  • Have distance to bottom values beginning from the shoes, instead of from the sensor position.
  • Remove the echo of the shoes from the echogram


  1. Click Menu > Settings, then go to the Trawl tab.
  2. In Doors > Distance from sensors to bottom, enter the distance of the Door Sounder sensors from the door shoes.
    The echoes of the shoes do not appear anymore on the echogram.
    The image below shows the default echogram from Door Sounder sensors. You can see that the echoes of the shoes (1) appear above the echo of the ground (2).
    The image below shows the echogram received from Door Sounder sensors when a distance is added. Now, you can only see the echo of the ground (2).