Outputting NMEA Data to Other Systems

You can send to other systems data you receive from sensors on Scala2.


  1. Click Menu > Settings.
  2. In the NMEA Outputs tab, click Add.

  3. Choose the type of connection between serial port, UDP or TCP socket.
  4. Enter the output parameters.
    • Serial port: select the name of the port and baud rate of the device.
    • UDP: enter the port number from which data are broadcast. Then, click the Interface menu to select the IP address of the connected device (refer to your network preferences).
      Note: The logical network interface (such as en0, en1) associated with the IP addresses differs from one computer to another. If doing the same installation on another computer, do not enter the same interface on purpose.
    • TCP: enter the port number from which data are sent.
  5. Under the Data to Emit tab, select which data you want to output:
    • Select Emit Sensor Data to output data that is received on Scala2 from Marport sensors, with or without filters.
    • Select Emit trawl positioning sentence if you need to send positioning data to another system (such as a cartography software) and choose the sentence corresponding to this system.
    • In ScalaReplay2, select Re-emit NMEA sentences to send NMEA data (for example positioning data) to another software interfacing with Scala2 (such as a cartography software) in order to replay data that was recorded.

    Note: Scala2 can output NMEA data for trawl door positioning with the following sentences:
    • $PSIMS (Olex)
    • $PTSAL (MaxSea version 12 and SeaPix)
    • $PMPT (TimeZero)
    • $IIGLL (MaxSea version 12, single position sentence)
    • $IITPT (Simrad, single position sentence)
    See NMEA Outputs from Scala2 for more details.
  6. Click Apply and check from the Output tab that the NMEA sentences are being sent. Click OK to add the output.

    Tip: When outputting positioning data, this information is useful to check that the positioning sentence is correctly output.
    Tip: If you need to test the NMEA connection but the sensors are not in water: configure the same output settings in ScalaReplay2, then replay SDS files containing positioning data.