Compatible NMEA Sentences from Winch Control Systems, GPS and Compass Devices

You can add to Scala2 measures coming from winch control systems that use the following NMEA sentences.

NMEA 0183 Standard Sentences

Symbol (*) indicates which parts of the sentence Scala2 uses.

NMEA Sentence Format First compliant version of Scala
GGA - Global Positioning System Fix Data $--GGA,,aaaa.aa,b,,d,e,ff,g.g,h.h, M,i.i,M,j.j,kkkk*hh<CR><LF>
  1. $--: Talker identifier*
  2. GGA: Sentence formatter*
  3. UTC of position*
  4. aaaaa.aa, b: Latitude North/South (N/S)*
  5., d: Longitude East/West (E/W)*
  6. e: GPS quality indicator
  7. ff: Number of satellites in use (00-12)
  8. g.g: Horizontal dilution of precision
  9. h.h, M: Antenna altitude above/below mean sea level (geoid), meters*
  10. i.i, M: Geoidal separation, meters
  11. j.j: Age of differential GPS data
  12. kkkk: Differential reference station ID
  13. *hh: Checksum*
GLL - Geographic Position - Latt/Long $--GLL, aaaa.aa,L,,L,,C,d*hh<CR><LF>
  1. $--: Talker identifier*
  2. GLL: Sentence formatter*
  3. aaaa.aa,L: Latitude North/South (N/S)*
  4.,L: Longitude East/West (E/W)*
  5. UTC of position*
  6. C: status (A= data valid / V: data not valid)*
  7. d: Mode indicator
  8. *hh: Checksum*
GNS - GNSS Fix Data $--GNS,,aaa.aa,L,,L,c--c, dd,e.e,f.f,g.g,h.h,i.i,a*hh<CR><LF>
  1. $--: Talker identifier*
  2. GNS: Sentence formatter*
  3. UTC of position*
  4. aaaa.aa,L: Latitude North/South (N/S)*
  5.,L: Longitude East/West (E/W)*
  6. c--c: Mode indicator
  7. dd: Total number of satellites in use (00-99)
  8. e.e: Horizontal dilution of precision
  9. f.f: Antenna altitude above/below mean sea level (geoid), in meters*
  10. g.g: Geoidal separation, meters
  11. h.h: Age of differential data
  12. i.i: Differential reference station ID
  13. *hh: Checksum*
HDG - Heading, Deviation & Variation $--HDG,a.a,b.b,M,c.c,M*hh<CR><LF>
  1. $--: Talker identifier*
  2. HDG: Sentence formatter*
  3. a.a: Sensor magnetic heading (degrees)*
  4. b.b,M: Magnetic deviation (degrees), Easterly/Westerly (E/W)*
  5. c.c,M: Magnetic variation (degrees), Easterly/Westerly (E/W)*
  6. *hh: Checksum*
HDT - Heading, True $--HDT,a.a,T*hh<CR><LF>
  1. $--: Talker identifier*
  2. HDT: Sentence formatter*
  3. a.a,T: Heading (degrees) True*
  4. *hh: Checksum*
RMC - Recommended Minimum Navigation Information $--RMC,aaaaaa,A,bbbb.bbb,B,ccccc.ccc,C,ddd.d,eee.e, ffffff,ggg.g,G,H*hh<CR><LF>
  1. $--: Talker identifier*
  2. RMC: sentence formatter*
  3. aaaaaa: Time (UTC)*
  4. A: Status, A = data valid, V = navigation receiver warning*
  5. bbbb.bbb, B: Latitude, N/S*
  6. ccccc.ccc, C: Longitude, E/W*
  7. ddd.d: Speed over ground (knots)*
  8. eee.e: Course Over Ground (degrees True)*
  9. ffffff: Date: ddmmyy*
  10. ggg.g, G: Magnetic variation (degrees E/W)*
  11. H: mode indicator: A=Autonomous, D=Differential, E=Estimated, M=Manual input, S=Simulator, N=data not valid (sentence is not accepted if mode indicator = N)*
  12. *hh: Checksum*
VHW - Water Speed and Heading $--VHW,a.a,T,b.b,M,c.c,N,d.d,K*hh<CR><LF>
  1. $--: Talker identifier*
  2. VHW: Sentence formatter*
  3. a.a,T: Heading, degrees True*
  4. b.b,M: Heading, degrees Magnetic*
  5. c.c,N: Speed, knots*
  6. d.d,K: Speed, km/hr
  7. *hh: Checksum*
VTG - Course Over Ground and Ground Speed $--VTG,a.a,T,b.b,M,c.c,N,d.d,K*hh<CR><LF>
  1. $--: Talker identifier*
  2. VTG: Sentence formatter*
  3. a.a,T: Course over ground, degrees, True*
  4. b.b,M: Course over ground, degrees, Magnetic
  5. c.c,N: Speed over ground, knots*
  6. d.d,K: Speed over ground, km/hr*
  7. *hh: Checksum*

Proprietary Sentences

Symbol (*) indicates which parts of the sentence Scala2 uses.

Sentence Format First compliant version of Scala2
ATW - Naust Marine winch control system $NMATW,aaaaaa,bbbbbb,cccccc,dddddd,eeeeee,ffffff, ggggg,hhhhh,iiiii,jjjjj,kkkkk,lllll,mm:mm*hh <CR><LF>

$NMATW: Talker identifier + sentence formatter*

a. Winch starboard tension (kg)*

b. Winch port tension (kg)*

c. Winch middle tension (kg)*

d. Winch starboard length (meter or feet)*

e. Winch port length (meter or feet)*

f. Winch middle length (meter or feet)*

g. RPM starboard

h. RPM port

i. RPM middle

j. Line speed starboard (meter or feet/min)

k. Line speed port (meter or feet/min)

l. Line speed middle (meter or feet/min)

m. Towing time (meter or feet/min)
FEC - Furuno attitude message $PFEC,GPatt,aaa.a,bb.b,cc.c,*hh<CR><LF>
  1. $PFEC: Talker identifier + sentence formatter*
  2. GPatt: Global positioning attitude, sentence formatter
  3. aaa.a: Heading true*
  4. bb.b: Pitch*
  5. cc.c: Roll*
  6. *hh: Checksum*
KW - Karmoy Winch $KWIN,a,b.b,T,c.c,M,d.d,rpm*hh<CR><LF>
  1. $KWIN: Talker identifier + sentence formatter*
  2. a: Winch 0 = Stbd / Trawl 1 = Port Trawl Winch
  3. b.b, T: Tensions (tons)
  4. c.c, M: Length (meters)
  5. d.d, rpm: Speed (rpm)
MA DD - Marelec winch length and tension # MA DD dd/mm/yy hh:mm:ss LB aaaam LS bbbbm LM ccccm TB ddddK TS eeeeK TM ffffK gg<CR><LF>
  1. # MA DD: talker identifier*
  2. dd/mm/yy: date
  3. hh:mm:ss: time
  4. LB aaaam: Shooted length portside in meters*
  5. LS bbbbm: Shooted length starboard in meters*
  6. LM ccccm: Shooted length center in meters*
  7. TB ddddK: Tension of portside in kg*
  8. TS eeeeK: Tension of starboard in kg*
  9. TM ffffK: Tension of center in kg*
  10. gg: system in 00 = MANUAL (stop), 10 = auto shooting, 20 = auto fishing, 30 = auto hauling, 40 = slow tension alarm without propeller reduction, 41 = slow tension alarm with propeller reduction, 50 = fast tension alarm without propeller reduction, 51 = fast tension alarm with propeller reduction*
MPT TXOR - Marport, transducer orientation


  • $PMPT: talker identifier + sentence formatter.
  • TXOR: Transducer Orientation
  • aa.a: pitch*
  • bb.b: roll*
  • cc.c: yaw*
  • s: V = valid / N = not valid*
NAV - Ifremer proprietary sentence $NANAV,04/09/yy,hhmmss.sss,NASYC,N,48,22.92315,W,004,28.90527, D,00.0,WG84,04/09/13, 13:05:37.000, COU,346.08,-00.22,+00.13,+00.00,+00052.172,000,0000
IFM - Ifremer versatile sentence $PIFM,EU,MES,dd/mm/yy,hh:hh:ss.sss,TRFUN,±a,bb,ccccc,dddd,e.e,f,ggggg,hhhh,i.i,j,<CR><LF>
  1. $PIFM: Talker identifier + sentence formatter*
  2. OCGYR: pitch, roll, heading
  3. TRFUN: winch lengths (starboard, port) and winch tensions (starboard, port)
SYN - Winch Syncro 2020, winch length and tension $WMSYN,aaa.a,m,bbb.b,m,ccc.c,m,ddd.d,m,ee.e,t,ff.f, t,gg.g,t,hh.h,t,0.5,r,0.7,r,1.6,s,2.0,s,0,0,1,0,0, 45.5,c,33.0,p,32.8,p*31
  1. $WMSYN: Talker identifier + sentence formatter*
  2. aaa.a: winch starboard length in meters*
  3. bbb.b: winch inner starboard length in​ meters*
  4. ccc.c: winch inner port length in​ meters*
  5. ddd.d: winch port length in meters*
  6. ee.e: winch starboard tension in tons*
  7. ff.f: winch inner starboard tension in tons*
  8. gg.g: winch inner port tension in tons*
  9. hh.h: winch port tension in tons*
  10. Other strings are not used.
$WMSYN,aaa.a,c,bbb.b,c,ccc.c,c,dd.d,t,ee.e,t,ff.f, t*hh<CR><LF>
  1. $WMSYN: Talker identifier + sentence formatter*
  2. aaa.a,l: Starboard wire length (m=meter)*
  3. bbb.b,l: Mid wire length (m=meter)*
  4. ccc.c,l: port wire length (m=meter)*
  5. dd.d,t: Starboard wire tension, tons*
  6. ee.e,t: Mid wire tension, tons*
  7. ff.f,t: Port wire tension, tons*
TAWWL - RappHydema, PTS Pentagon warp length


See below. M = meter
  1. @TAWWL: Talker identifier + sentence formatter*
  2. a: Starboard winch length*
  3. b: Port winch length*
  4. c: Middle winch length*
TAWWT - RappHydema, PTS Pentagon warp tension


See below. T = tons
  1. @TAWWT: Talker identifier + sentence formatter*
  2. a.a: Starboard winch tension*
  3. b.b: Port winch tension*
  4. c.c : Middle winch tension*
WCT - Warp length and tension (Silecmar) $SIWCT,aaa,bbb,ccc,d.d,e.e,f.f*hh<CR><LF>
  1. $SIWCT: Talker identifier + sentence formatter*
  2. aaa: Port winch cable, meters*
  3. bbb: Starboard winch cable, meters*
  4. ccc: Clump winch cable, meters*
  5. d.d: Tension in the port winch, tons*
  6. e.e: Tension in the starboard winch, tons*
  7. f.f: Tension in the clump winch, tons*
  8. *hh: Checksum*
WIDA1 - Kongsberg warp length (single to triple trawls) $WIDA1,aa,bbbb,cc,0,dd,eeee,ff,1,g,h,i,2,k,l,m,3 *hh<CR><LF>
  1. $WIDA1: Talker identifier + sentence formatter*
  2. aa: port wire tension, tons*
  3. bbbb: port wire out, meters*
  4. cc: port wirespeed, m/min
  5. 0: port*
  6. dd: starboard wire tension, tons*
  7. eeee: starboard wire out, meters*
  8. ff: starboard wirespeed, m/min
  9. 1: starboard*
  10. g: port mid wire tension, tons*
  11. h: port mid wire out, meters*
  12. i: port mid wirespeed, m/min
  13. 2: port mid*
  14. k: stb mid wire tension, tons*
  15. l: stb mid wire out, meters*
  16. m: stb mid wirespeed, m/min
  17. 3: starboard mid*
  18. *hh: Checksum*
WIDA2 - Kongsberg warp length (quad and penta trawls) $WIDA2,aa,bbbb,cc,4,dd,eeee,ff,5 *hh<CR><LF>
  1. $WIDA2: Talker identifier + sentence formatter*
  2. aa: center port wire tension, tons*
  3. bbbb: center port wire out, meters*
  4. cc: center port wirespeed, m/min
  5. 4: center port*
  6. dd: center stb wire tension, tons*
  7. eeee: center stb wire out, meters*
  8. ff: center stb wirespeed, m/min
  9. 5: Center stb*
  10. *hh: Checksum*
WLP - Scantrol winch length (port)
  1. $SCWLP: Talker identifier + sentence formatter*
  2. a.a,M: paid out wire in meters*
  3. b.b,M: wirespeed in meters/sec., positive when paying out wire
  4. *hh: Checksum*
WLS - Scantrol winch length (starboard) $SCWLS,a.a,M,b.b,M*hh<CR><LF>
  1. $SCWLS: Talker identifier + sentence formatter*
  2. a.a,M: paid out wire in meters*
  3. b.b,M: wirespeed in meters/sec., positive when paying out wire
  4. *hh: Checksum*
WLC - Scantrol winch length (clump) $SCWLC,a.a,M,b.b,M*hh<CR><LF>
  1. $SCWLC: Talker identifier + sentence formatter*
  2. a.a,M: paid out wire in meters*
  3. b.b,M: wirespeed in meters/sec., positive when paying out wire
  4. *hh: Checksum*
WLD - Scantrol winch length (triple trawl - port clump) $SCWLD,a.a,T*hh<CR><LF>
  1. $SCWLD: Talker identifier + sentence formatter*
  2. a.a,M: paid out wire in meters*
  3. b.b,M: wirespeed in meters/sec., positive when paying out wire
  4. *hh: Checksum*
WLE - Scantrol winch length (quad trawl - center clump) $SCWLE,a.a,T*hh<CR><LF>
  1. $SCWLE: Talker identifier + sentence formatter*
  2. a.a,M: paid out wire in meters*
  3. b.b,M: wirespeed in meters/sec., positive when paying out wire
  4. *hh: Checksum*
WTP - Scantrol winch tension (port) $SCWTP,a.a,T*hh<CR><LF>
  1. $SCWTP: Talker identifier + sentence formatter*
  2. a.a,T: tension in tons*
  3. *hh: Checksum*
WTS - Scantrol winch tension (starboard) $SCWTS,a.a,T*hh<CR><LF>
  1. $SCWTS: Talker identifier + sentence formatter*
  2. a.a,T: tension in tons*
  3. *hh: Checksum*
WTC - Scantrol winch tension (clump) $SCWTC,a.a,T*hh<CR><LF>
  1. $SCWTC: Talker identifier + sentence formatter*
  2. a.a,T: tension in tons*
  3. *hh: Checksum*
WTD - Scantrol winch tension (triple trawl - port clump) $SCWTD,a.a,T*hh<CR><LF>
  1. $SCWTD: Talker identifier + sentence formatter*
  2. a.a,T: tension in tons*
  3. *hh: Checksum*
WTE - Scantrol winch tension (quad trawl - center clump) $SCWTD,a.a,T*hh<CR><LF>
  1. $SCWTD: Talker identifier + sentence formatter*
  2. a.a,T: tension in tons*
  3. *hh: Checksum*