
The Door Explorer sensors are part of a new generation of Marport sensors. They send the spread distance between the doors and clumps, depth, pitch, roll, water temperature and optionally positioning measurements. They also send an echogram image of the area below or above the sensors.

Data received can be recorded on a built-in SD card and replayed in higher definition.

Two models are available:
  • one stubby with one battery that can be installed on port and starboard doors,
  • one XL with 2 batteries, that can be installed on port, starboard doors and clumps,

The sensors can be installed on single, twin, triple, quadruple and quintuple trawls. Door and clump alignment can be monitored thanks to a real time 3D view of the trawl gear on Scala2 application.

They are compatible with Marport Dock product, with which you can easily charge, monitor, configure and update the connected sensors (up to 4).