List of Marport Hydrophones

These are technical specifications for hydrophones currently sold by Marport. For information about obsolete hydrophones, please contact Marport support.

Product reference Name Use case Bandwidth (3 dB) Typical current consumption Cable1
NC-1-05 Passive wideband hydrophone (no preamplifier)
  • Vessel with very low level of noise (below -110 dBV).
  • Sensors close to the vessel (approx. 300 m)
  • For positioning systems with Slant Range/pinger (one passive hydrophone is necessary for transmission).
33-60 KHz 0.0 mA Blue
NC-1-05 + NC-2-02 Passive hydrophone + Wideband preamplifier box
  • Vessel with normal level of noise (below -100 dBV).
  • Large number of sensors.2
  • Use at great depths (> 500 m).
  • Gain configurable (Low or High)
  • Filters configurable (38 and/or 50kHz).
  • Low noise environment between passive hydrophone and wideband preamplifier box
33-60 KHz 25-29 mA Blue
NC-1-07 Active hydrophone (integrated preamplifier)
  • Vessel with normal level of noise (below -100 dBV).
  • Limited number of sensors.2
  • No filtering options.
  • Not used for positioning system
41-44 KHz 4-6 mA Green
NC-1-06 Active wideband hydrophone (integrated preamplifier)
  • Vessel with normal level of noise (below -100 dBV).
  • Large number of sensors.2
  • Use at great depths (> 500 m).
  • Gain configurable (Low or High)
  • Filters configurable (38 and/or 50kHz)
30-60 KHz 25-29 mA Yellow
NC-1-08 Active wideband hydrophone (integrated preamplifier)
  • Vessel with normal level of noise (below -100 dBV).
  • Large number of sensors.2
  • Use at great depths (> 500 m).
  • Gain configurable (Low or High)
  • Filters configurable (38 and/or 50kHz)
30-60 KHz 18-22 mA / 18-24 mA4 Yellow
NC-1-093 Active hydrophone (integrated preamplifier)
  • For use on a paravane only
  • Vessel with normal level of noise (below -100 dBV).
  • Limited number of sensors.2
  • No filtering options.
  • Not used for positioning system
41-44 KHz 4-6 mA Blue, heavy-duty
1Note that cables are colored according to the type of hydrophone: blue for passive, green for active narrowband and yellow for active wideband.

2Standard active hydrophones have an available bandwidth of 6kHz. So, if: (PRP_number * 100) + (NBTE_number * 800) < 6000 you have enough place. If: (PRP_number * 100) + (NBTE_number * 800) > 6000 then you need a wideband hydrophone.

3Add as NC-1-07 in the receiver configuration page.

4Hydrophones with the serial number A000G85P and after have a higher power supply current limit (24 mA) than the earlier models. In order to be compatible, the Mx receiver version must be updated to 08.05.14 version.