Configuring Catch Sensor Telegrams

If you have a Catch sensor (40kHz), you need to configure the telegrams it transmits. This does not apply for Catch Explorer sensors.

About this task

Telegrams are used to define the acoustic communication between the sensor and the receiver. Data (e.g. temperature, depth) are recognized by the receiver according to the type of telegram defined (e.g. TL, CL). The telegram defines intervals between pulses emitted by the sensor, and one interval represents one value. For example, if the interval between 2 pulses of a TL temperature telegram is 12 s, the temperature is 6.5 °C.

The temperature, depth, pitch and roll options that are displayed on Mosa2 depend on the firmware installed.

Important: Make sure there is a minimum distance of 100 Hz between PRP telegrams and of 400 Hz with the uplink frequency of NBTE sensors. See Frequency Plan for a full list of boat/channel codes..
Remember: Always click Apply after you change a setting and make sure there is a green check mark .


About this task

Catch telegrams are sent every 20 sec. for a full status and every 30 sec. for an empty status.


  1. Click the tab Catch.
  2. From Catch Boat Code/Channel Code, choose a frequency.



  1. Click the tab Temperature.
  2. From Temperature Boat Code/Channel Code, choose a frequency.
  3. From Temperature Telegram, choose between:
    • TL: sends data between every 11 to 16 sec.
    • TN: sends data between every 3 to 11 sec.
    Note: TN sends data more often, but it reduces the battery life.
  4. You can deactivate temperature data to save battery life:
    1. From Mosa2, click Menu > Expert and enter the password copernic.
    2. From Temperature Activation, select No.



  1. Click the tab Depth.
  2. From Depth Boat Code/Channel Code, choose a frequency.
  3. From Depth Telegram, choose among the telegrams according to the depth at which you are fishing. They all send data every 3 to 8 sec, but at different depth ranges.
    Note: The lower the depth range is, the more precise the measures are.
    • D3 = 300 m
    • D6 = 600 m
    • D12 = 1200 m
    • D18 = 1800 m
  4. You can deactivate depth data to save battery life:
    1. From Mosa2, click Menu > Expert and enter the password copernic.
    2. From Depth Activation, select No.

Pitch and Roll

About this task

Troubleshooting: If you change from a single telegram (CL or VQ) to separate telegrams (D3 or AL), the pitch telegram will not update to a separate telegram (D6 or AN). See When changing from single to separate pitch and roll telegrams, the pitch telegram remains set at CL or VQ for guidance.


  1. Click the tab Pitch and Roll.
  2. If you send pitch and roll data on the same channel:
    1. From Pitch and Roll or Roll Boat Code/Channel Code, select a frequency.
    2. From Pitch and Roll or Roll Telegram, choose between:
      • Telegram CL: sends data every 11 to 14 sec.
      • Telegram VQ: sends data every 5 to 9 sec.
      Note: VQ sends data more often, but it reduces the battery life.
  3. If you send pitch and roll data on two different channels:
    1. From Pitch and Roll or Roll Boat Code/Channel Code, select a channel for roll data.
    2. From Pitch and Roll or Roll Telegram, choose roll telegram between:
      • Telegram D3: sends data every 3 to 8 sec.
      • Telegram AL: sends data every 11 to 15 sec.
      Note: D3 sends data more often, but it reduces the battery life.
    3. From Pitch Boat Code/Channel Code, select a channel for pitch data.
    4. From Pitch Telegram, choose between:
      • Telegram D6: sends data every 3 to 4 sec.
      • Telegram AN: sends data every 3 to 6 sec.
  4. You can deactivate pitch and roll data to save battery life:
    1. To deactivate the roll: from Pitch and Roll or Roll Activation, select No.
    2. To deactivate the pitch: from Pitch Activation, select No.

Catch Hybrid PI

About this task

Catch hybrid PI firmware is compatible with Simrad PI, Marport and Scanmar systems. Sensors can communicate with Simrad PI and Marport or Scanmar systems at the same time.

Catch data are sent to Simrad PI system and to Marport or Scanmar systems. Depth, temperature, pitch and roll data are sent only to Marport or Scanmar systems.


  1. Click the tab Catch.
  2. The settings for catch data sent at 40kHz and settings for depth, temperature, pitch and roll data are the same as above.
  3. From Catch PI Frequency, choose a frequency to communicate with a Simrad PI receiver.
  4. From Catch PI Telegram, choose the update rate of data sent to Simrad PI receiver. The update of data is quicker when Fast is set, but this reduces the battery life.
    • Telegram Fast: sends a full status signal every 5 sec. / Empty status every 5.5 sec.
    • Telegram Normal: full status every 32 sec. / Empty status every 34 sec.
    • Telegram Slow: full status every 123 sec. / Empty status every 126 sec.
  5. If you need to deactivate the transmission of data to PI system, click the tab Catch and from Catch PI Activation, select No.

Catch Hybrid 70

About this task

Catch hybrid 70 firmware is compatible with Marport, Scanmar, Simrad and Wesmar systems. Sensors can emit at 2 frequencies: 40kHz (Marport, Scanmar) and 70kHz (Simrad, Wesmar).

Catch data are sent at 70kHz and 40kHz frequencies. Depth, temperature, pitch and roll data are sent only to 40kHz (Marport, Scanmar).


  1. The settings for catch data sent at 40kHz and settings for depth, temperature, pitch and roll data are the same as above.
  2. From Catch 70kHz Channel, choose an appropriate channel for Simrad or Wesmar receivers.
  3. If you need to deactivate the transmission of data at 70kHz, click the tab Catch and from Catch 70 kHz Activation, select No.