Configuring Sensor Settings

You need to complete communication settings when you add the sensor to the receiver.

Important: Make sure the settings you enter here are the same as in Mosa2.

1 Sensor name displayed in Scala2 and its features.
2 This setting helps detecting the signal of the sensor among other sensor or echosounder signals. Change default setting only if you have issues receiving data.
  • Choose between 0-2 only if no interferences on the vessel (not recommended).
  • 3 is default setting.
  • Choose between 4-6 if you have issues receiving data. It allows you to receive more data, but be aware they might be wrong data.
3 This setting also helps detecting the sensor signal. Leave default setting at Synchro 1.
4 Enter the same frequency as the one entered for the uplink frequency in Mosa2.
5 Click Configure to change filters applied on incoming data. Filters are particularly useful to reduce interferences on the echogram data.
Tip: Please refer to Scala2 user guide for more information about the filters.
6 Select the same chirp precision as the one set in Mosa2.
7 Do not change these settings.

What to do next

Configure the positioning settings if the sensor has the positioning option.