Configuring Spread Sensor Telegrams

You need to configure telegrams sent by the Master, Starboard and Clump (if applicable) sensors.

Before you begin

The sensor is connected to Mosa2.

About this task

You need to configure telegrams for each door sensor that you have.

Telegrams are used to define the acoustic communication between the sensor and the receiver. Data (e.g. temperature, depth) are recognized by the receiver according to the type of telegram defined (e.g. TL, CL). The telegram defines intervals between pulses emitted by the sensor, and one interval represents one value. For example, if the interval between 2 pulses of an AL spread telegram is 15 s, the spread is 250 meters.

The temperature, depth, pitch and roll options that are displayed on Mosa2 depend on the firmware installed.

Important: Make sure there is a minimum distance of 100 Hz between PRP telegrams and of 400 Hz with the uplink frequency of NBTE sensors. See Frequency Plan for a full list of boat/channel codes.
Remember: Always click Apply after you change a setting and make sure there is a green check mark .
Note: To use Spread sensors with a Scanmar system, use AL and AL6 spread telegrams. Temperature, depth, pitch and roll telegrams are all compatible.


You need to configure spread telegrams sent by the Master sensor to the vessel and, if applicable, by the Clump sensor. You do not need to configure spread telegrams for a Starboard sensor.

About this task

Choose spread telegrams according to the distance between trawl doors, or between the Clump and doors:
  • AL: less than 250 m. Sends data every 11 to 15 sec. (compatible with Scanmar system)
  • AN: less than 250 m. Sends data every 3 to 8 sec.
  • AL6: less than 610 m. Sends data every 11 to 14 sec. (compatible with Scanmar system)
  • A6: less than 610 m. Sends data every 3 to 8 sec. (starboard telegram only)


  1. If you have a single trawl, you need to configure the telegram giving the spread distance from Master to Starboard:
    1. Connect the Master sensor to Mosa2.
    2. Click the tab Spread.

    3. From Starboard Telegram (Master to Starboard distance), choose AL, AN, A6 or AL6.
    Note: If using the sensors with Scanmar system, choose between AL and AL6.
    1. From Starboard Boat Code/Channel Code choose a frequency for the telegram.
  2. If you have twin trawls:
    1. Connect the Master or Clump sensor to Mosa2.
    2. Click the tab Spread.

    3. The table below shows which telegram you need to configure, depending on the measured spread distances. You also need to set a frequency for each one.
      Measured Distance Sensor Telegrams
      Dual distance Master
      • Clump telegram (Master to Clump distance)
      • Starboard telegram (Master to Starboard distance)
      Clump n/a
      Triple distance Master
      • Clump telegram (Master to Clump distance)
      • Starboard telegram (Master to Starboard distance)
      Clump Starboard telegram (Clump to Starboard distance)
  3. If needed, you can change the frequency used for the sensors to communicate with each other.
    1. From Mosa2, click Menu > Expert and enter the password copernic.
    2. From Spread > Ping Frequency, enter the same frequency for all door sensors (default is 144 kHz, range is 120 to 220 kHz).
      Important: If using dual trawls with two sets of Spread sensors (see About Spread Sensors), you must apply different frequencies between the two sets (e.g. 110 kHz for port trawl sensors and 144 kHz for starboard trawl sensors).
      Note: V2 firmware: When operating, a difference of frequency is automatically applied.
      • Master emitting frequency (Tx): configured ping frequency
      • Clump Tx: configured ping frequency - 10 kHz
      • Starboard Tx: configured frequency + 10 kHz

      For example, if spread frequency is set at 144 kHz for all door sensors, it means that Master emits at 144. Clump listens 144 then emits at 134. Starboard listens at 144 then emit at 154.

      Note: A Marport spread sensor working with an MTR Scanmar spread sensor need to have a ping frequency of 144,5 kHz and a V1 firmware version. Read Configuring the Spread Sounding Channel to know how to configure the spread sounding channel of the sensors working with V1 firmware.



  1. Click the tab Depth.

  2. From Depth Boat Code/Channel Code, choose a frequency.
  3. From Depth Telegram, choose among the telegrams according to the depth at which you are fishing. They all send data every 3 to 8 sec, but at different depth ranges.
    Note: The lower the depth range is, the more precise the measures are.
    • D3 = 300 m
    • D6 = 600 m
    • D12 = 1200 m
    • D18 = 1800 m
  4. You can deactivate depth data to save battery life:
    1. From Mosa2, click Menu > Expert and enter the password copernic.
    2. From Depth Activation, select No.



  1. Click the tab Temperature.

  2. From Temperature Boat Code/Channel Code, choose a frequency.
  3. From Temperature Telegram, choose between:
    • TL: sends data between every 11 to 16 sec.
    • TN: sends data between every 3 to 11 sec.
    Note: TN sends data more often, but it reduces the battery life.
  4. You can deactivate temperature data to save battery life:
    1. From Mosa2, click Menu > Expert and enter the password copernic.
    2. From Temperature Activation, select No.

Pitch and Roll

About this task

Trouble: If you change from a single telegram (CL or VQ) to separate telegrams (D3 or AL), the pitch telegram will not update to a separate telegram (D6 or AN). See When changing from single to separate pitch and roll telegrams, the pitch telegram remains set at CL or VQ for guidance.


  1. Click the tab Pitch and Roll.

  2. If you send pitch and roll data on the same channel:
    1. From Pitch and Roll or Roll Boat Code/Channel Code, select a frequency.
    2. From Pitch and Roll or Roll Telegram, choose between:
      • Telegram CL: sends data every 11 to 14 sec.
      • Telegram VQ: sends data every 5 to 9 sec.
      Note: VQ sends data more often, but it reduces the battery life.
  3. If you send pitch and roll data on two different channels:
    1. From Pitch and Roll or Roll Boat Code/Channel Code, select a channel for roll data.
    2. From Pitch and Roll or Roll Telegram, choose roll telegram between:
      • Telegram D3: sends data every 3 to 8 sec.
      • Telegram AL: sends data every 11 to 15 sec.
      Note: D3 sends data more often, but it reduces the battery life.
    3. From Pitch Boat Code/Channel Code, select a channel for pitch data.
    4. From Pitch Telegram, choose between:
      • Telegram D6: sends data every 3 to 4 sec.
      • Telegram AN: sends data every 3 to 6 sec.
  4. You can deactivate pitch and roll data to save battery life:
    1. To deactivate the roll: from Pitch and Roll or Roll Activation, select No.
    2. To deactivate the pitch: from Pitch Activation, select No.