Displaying Door Positioning Data

If the door sensors have the positioning option, you can display views showing the trawl position.

Doors Positioning Data

You can display data related to the position of the doors.

Before you begin

Note: Minimum data required to display Doors Positioning are GPS positioning, depth, door spread distance, port and starboard door bearings. However, we strongly recommend to receive warp lengths from a winch control system. Without it, the accuracy of the positioning will be reduced.


In the control panels, go to the trawl data. The name of the panel depends on the trawl gear setup. The panel can display Single Trawl, Twin Trawl, Triple Trawl or Quad Trawl.

Tip: This panel displays the door horizontal distance (1) and estimated slant distance (2) to the boat:

Displaying the Chart View

Before you begin

  • You must be in Customize mode to do this task.

You must have:

  • Incoming GPS data and heading data.
  • Warp lengths or Duplex sensors giving distance to vessel.
  • Spread sensors or Duplex sensors with bearing measurement


  1. Open the customization panel, then go to Geographic.
  2. Click + drag Chart to the page.

  3. Drop it in a yellow area.
    The chart view is displayed. The heading of the vessel, the port (red) and starboard (green) door paths appear by default.

  4. Click the arrow on the right side of the view to show the display options.
    Trouble: If the view looks empty it might be because the view is not centered on the vessel. Open the setting menu and click View > Center on Ownship or Center on Ownship and Trawl.

Bearing Angles


Scala2 displays the relative (R) bearing angles of the doors. Angles are relative to the stern of the vessel. Angles toward port side are negative and angles toward starboard side are positive. See About Trawl Positioning for drawings.