Spread Sensors

Firmware for Spread Sensors depends on your type of trawl and on the distances they measure.

About Spread Sensor Firmware

There are two generations of Spread Sensor firmware. The first generation (V1) measures one or two distances and the second generation (V2) measures one, two or three distances, with an improved communication link.

Important: Do not mix V1 and V2 Spread Sensor firmware on a same installation or the sensors will not be able to send the spread distance.
Important: V2 can only be installed on A1 PCBA with rev7 or higher.

If using a single trawl you need:

  • V1 or V2 firmware with single distance measurement.
  • A Master firmware for the Master Spread Sensor.
  • A Slave firmware for the Starboard Spread Sensor.
If using twin trawls you need:
  • V1 firmware with dual distance measurement or V2 firmware with dual or triple distance measurement.
  • A Master firmware for the Master Spread Sensor.
  • A Slave firmware for the Starboard Spread Sensor.
  • A second Slave firmware for the Clump Spread Sensor.

If using dual trawls you need two sets of sensors: one set of sensors for a single trawl installation and one set of sensors for twin trawls with triple distance (see About Spread Sensors for illustration).

Single Trawl

Master Spread Sensor
Firmware Name Firmware Number
V1 V2
Spread Master (single distance/single trawl) FIRM062 FIRM220
Spread Master with depth (single distance/single trawl) FIRM065 FIRM226
Spread Master with depth and temp (single distance/single trawl) FIRM064 FIRM224
Spread Master with pitch and roll (single distance/single trawl) FIRM066 FIRM228
Spread Master with pitch, roll and depth (single distance/single trawl) FIRM067 FIRM230
Spread Master with pitch, roll and temp (single distance/single trawl) FIRM162 FIRM234
Spread Master with pitch, roll, depth and temp (single distance/single trawl) FIRM068 FIRM232
Spread Master with temp (single distance/single trawl) FIRM063 FIRM222
Spread Master PI (Single distance)* FIRM069 x
Spread Master PI (Single distance) with depth PI* FIRM082 x
Starboard Spread Sensor
Firmware Name Firmware Number
V1 V2
Spread Slave (single trawl) FIRM041 FIRM221
Spread Slave with depth (single trawl) FIRM047 FIRM227
Spread Slave with depth and temp (single trawl) FIRM045 FIRM225
Spread Slave with pitch and roll (single trawl) FIRM049 FIRM229
Spread Slave with pitch, roll and depth (single trawl) FIRM153 FIRM231
Spread Slave with pitch, roll and temp (single trawl) FIRM159 FIRM235
Spread Slave with pitch, roll, depth and temp (single trawl) FIRM141 FIRM233
Spread Slave with temp (single trawl) FIRM043 FIRM223
Spread Slave PI* FIRM085 x
Spread Slave PI with depth PI* FIRM086 x

*Compatible with Simrad PI receivers.

Twin Trawls

Master Spread Sensor
Measured Distance Firmware Name Firmware Number
Dual distance only V1 V2
Spread Master (dual distance) FIRM040 x
Spread Master with temp (dual distance) FIRM042 x
Spread Master with depth and temp (dual distance) FIRM044 x
Spread Master with depth (dual distance) FIRM046 x
Spread Master with pitch and roll (dual distance) FIRM048 x
Spread Master with pitch, roll and depth (dual distance) FIRM140 x
Spread Master with pitch, roll and temp (dual distance) FIRM154 x
Spread Master PI (Dual distance)* FIRM083 x
Spread Master PI (Dual distance) with depth PI* FIRM084 x
Dual or triple distance Spread Master with pitch, roll and depth (Triple distance Dual direction) x FIRM170
Spread Master with pitch, roll, depth and temp (Triple distance Dual direction) x FIRM172
Spread Master with pitch, roll, depth, position and temp (Triple distance Dual direction) x FIRM174
Spread Master V2 (Twin Trawl) x FIRM240
Spread Master V2 with Temp (Twin Trawl) x FIRM242
Spread Master V2 with Depth and Temp (Twin Trawl) x FIRM244
Spread Master V2 with Depth (Twin Trawl) x FIRM246
Spread Master V2 with Pitch and Roll (Twin Trawl) x FIRM248
Spread Master V2 with Pitch, Roll and Depth (Twin Trawl) x FIRM250
Spread Master V2 with Pitch, Roll and Temp (Twin Trawl) x FIRM254
Starboard / Clump Spread Sensor
Measured Distance Firmware Name Firmware Number
Dual distance only V1 V2
Spread Slave FIRM041 x
Spread Slave with depth FIRM047 x
Spread Slave with depth and temp FIRM045 x
Spread Slave with pitch and roll FIRM049 x
Spread Slave with pitch, roll and depth FIRM153 x
Spread Slave with pitch, roll and temp FIRM159 x
Spread Slave with pitch, roll, depth and temp FIRM141 x
Spread Slave with temp FIRM043 x
Spread Slave PI* FIRM085 x
Spread Slave PI with depth PI* FIRM086 x
Dual or triple distance Spread Slave with pitch, roll, depth and temp (Dual direction) x FIRM171
Spread Slave with pitch, roll, depth, position and temp (Dual direction) x FIRM173
Spread Slave V2 (Twin Trawl) x FIRM241
Spread Slave V2 with Temp (Twin Trawl) x FIRM243
Spread Slave V2 with Depth and Temp (Twin Trawl) x FIRM245
Spread Slave V2 with Depth (Twin Trawl) x FIRM247
Spread Slave V2 with Pitch and Roll (Twin Trawl) x FIRM249
Spread Slave V2 with Pitch, Roll and Depth (Twin Trawl) x FIRM251
Spread Slave V2 with Pitch, Roll and Temp (Twin Trawl) x FIRM255

*Compatible with Simrad PI receivers.