Speed data is wrong

Speed data displayed in Scala2 is wrong.

By default in Scala2, speed units of measure are in meter/second. If you are used to knots, these measures will seem too low.
  1. Check the units of measure.
  2. If they are in meter/second instead of knots, click Menu > Settings.
  3. From the tab Units, from Speeds, select Knot.

EM log pins may be dirty.
  1. Clean the EM log pins using Isopropyl alcohol or a Scotch-Brite scouring pad. Use EM log cleaning pens supplied with the sensor to clean EM log pins.

  2. From Mosa2, check speed measures with the EM log tester (see Checking Speed Measures with EM Log Tester).

The sensor is not correctly installed on the trawl or the pitch and roll are not working correctly.
  1. Check the sensor position on the trawl (see Installing the Sensor on the Trawl).
  2. From Mosa2, check that the pitch and roll are both between 5 and -5° when the sensor is laid flat.
  3. If speed data is still wrong, check speed measures with the EM log tester (see Checking Speed Measures with EM Log Tester).
  4. If speed data is still wrong, check the speed calibration and do it again if necessary.