Control Panels

By default, the control panels are displayed on the right side of the screen. Click the drawer to open or close them.
Note: To change to position of the control panels, connect in Expert Mode, then click Menu > Settings > Advanced.

Control panels are the following:

1. Computer

It displays the temperature of the central processing unit of the computer and the GPS position of the computer, if you allowed Scala2 to use your location.

2. Ownship

It displays information relative to the ownship, such as its position, its heading, the wind speed. This data depends on devices connected to the system.

3. Mx

It displays the IP address of the receiver(s) and data received from the sensors. Data can be raw or filtered.

By default, the location of the sensor on the trawl gear is written between brackets next to the name of the sensor. To know the location corresponding to the number, refer to the pictures in Trawl Gears and Sensor Locations.

The shape of the lights changes according to data received:

  • : data is stable
  • : data value is increasing
  • : data value is decreasing
To display raw data, connect in Expert Mode. Click the menu next to the receiver IP address, then Show Raw Data. Raw data are displayed under the filtered data. You can drag them to a page the same way as for filtered data.

4. NMEA Inputs

This is where you add NMEA inputs received from external devices.

It displays the incoming NMEA data.

5. A2S Data

ScalaReplay2 only: the panel displays the replay of data recorded on the SD card of A2S sensors.

6. Trawl Data: Single Trawl / Twin Trawl / Triple Trawl / Quad Trawl / Penta Trawl

From here, you can monitor your trawl. When sensors are operating, you can see their data displayed according to their location on the trawl (headline, body, doors).
  • Trawl Modeling: options relative to a positioning system. You can reset the trawl position from here. It also gives options relative to the slant distances:
    • Use slant distances from sensors rather than warp lengths: by default, Scala2 uses warp lengths to know the distance of the trawl doors from the boat. If you have both a winch control system and sensors sending slant distances, Scala2 will use warp lengths only. Select if you need to use slant distances only.
    • Estimate horizontal distance from depths: estimates the distance between the doors and vessel if the system receives neither warp length data nor slant distances from sensors.
  • Manual Estimation: warp lengths can be entered manually if no warp lengths are received from a winch control system.
Note: Minimum data required to display Doors Positioning are GPS positioning, depth, door spread distance, port and starboard door bearings. However, we strongly recommend to receive warp lengths from a winch control system. Without it, the accuracy of the positioning will be reduced.

In the panels, a light next to the data indicates the status of data that are being received:

  • Blinking green: data is received.
  • Orange: communication with the receiver has been lost for a few seconds. A connection problem has just occurred.
  • Red: there is no more communication with the receiver.