Displaying Bathymetric Data from GEBCO Database

You can display bathymetric data coming from GEBCO database on the 3D overview of the vessel.

Before you begin

  • You must have Scala Full dongle.
  • You need to have incoming data from a GPS (position, heading)
  • You need to have specific GEBCO files. Ask your local Marport office to get them.
  • GEBCO files use approximately 5.7 GB of space, make sure you have enough space on your computer.


  1. You need to save GEBCO files according to a specific folder structure:
    1. Create a folder named Databases anywhere on the computer.
    2. Create the following folder structure inside Databases and save the GEBCO files in the Gebco folder.
    Important: Make sure you write exactly the same names of folders (letter case, spaces).
  2. From Scala2, click Menu > Expert Mode and enter the password copernic.
  3. Click Menu > Settings.
  4. Go to the Advanced tab, then click Browse in front of GEBCO Folder and select the folder Databases you created.
  5. Open a page with a 3D overview of the vessel.


GEBCO bathymetric data is displayed on Scala2.