Displaying Trawl Positioning from Scala2 on MaxSea TimeZero

You can export trawl positioning data coming from Scala2 to MaxSea TimeZero application.

Before you begin

  • You must have a GPS and door positioning sensors.
  • Compatible MaxSea TimeZero version: TimeZero Professional v3.
  • Compatible Scala version: 01.06.06 (only PTSAL sentence) / 01.06.14 and after.
  • Compatible Scala2 version: 02.00.02 and after.


  1. In Scala2, open the control panels and in trawl data, click Doors Positioning. Check that you receive door positioning data.
    Note: If you receive neither warp lengths nor slant distances, you can select Estimate horizontal distance from depths in Trawl Modeling > Doors Positioning System. You will get an estimation of the horizontal distance between the door sensors and the boat calculated from the depth of the sensors.
  2. To configure the export of trawl positioning data:
    1. Click Menu > Settings.
    2. Under the NMEA Outputs tab, click Add.
    3. Under Port Settings, depending on your installation select Serial port or UDP port and enter a port.
    4. Under Data to Emit, select Emit trawl positioning sentence and choose Best sentence for MaxSea TimeZero ($PMPT).
  3. From TimeZero, check that you receive NMEA data from Scala2 and data from a GPS:
    1. From TimeZero, click TIMEZERO menu > Connection Wizard.
    2. In the connection wizard, select Port Monitor.
    3. Select the port of the NMEA data. You should see Marport NMEA positioning data ($PMPT).
    4. Select the port of the GPS. You should see incoming data.
  4. To add these data to TimeZero chart:
    1. From TimeZero, click TIMEZERO menu > Connection Wizard.
    2. Select Automatic ports configuration.
      The wizard analyzes the system and search for incoming data. When the search is complete, it shows a list of ports where devices are connected and data they transmit.
    3. Check if the ports and data are correct. You should at least have a GPS device and Marport NMEA data.
    4. From Nickname enter a name for the ports to easily recognize them.
    5. Follow the instructions from the wizard.
  5. From TimeZero chart, check that you see the trawl behind the vessel.
    Tip: If you need to test the NMEA connection but the sensors are not in water: configure the same output settings in ScalaReplay2, then replay SDS files containing positioning data.