Configuring a WiFi Network

If you have your own WiFi network, you can configure the HDTE to automatically connect to it. If no WiFi network is configured, the HDTE automatically turns itself into a WiFi access point.

Before you begin

The sensor is connected to Mosa2.

About this task

Note: The sensor can only connect to a WiFi network (such as your vessel internal network) set up in DHCP. If the WiFi network is configured manually (fixed IP), the sensor cannot connect to it. The sensor will only be able to connect to Mosa2 as a WiFi access point. When you are connected to the sensor as WiFi access point, you cannot connect at the same time to another WiFi network.


  1. From Mosa2, click the tab User settings.
  2. From Host WiFi network enter the SSID (name of WiFi network) and key (WiFi network password).
  3. Leave these fields empty if you want the sensor to only connect as a WiFi access point.
  4. From the right side of Host WiFi network, click validate once you have finished.
  5. Activate and deactivate the water switch to reboot the sensor in order to save the configuration changes.


At the next start of the HDTE, it will connect to the configured WiFi network. If your computer is connected to this WiFi network, the sensor will appear in Mosa2 from Available Inputs.