Configuring the Positioning Settings

You need to configure the positioning settings on the system web page (receiver page on Scala2.

Before you begin

You have added the sensors to the receiver.
Tip: A spreadsheet is available on Marport support website to help you complete this page: go to the Useful Resources page.


  1. From the left side of the screen where the system is displayed, click Positioning.
    The positioning configuration page appears.
    The page is different depending on the receiver firmware version:
    Figure 1. Receiver firmware below version 08.01
    Figure 2. Receiver firmware from version 08.01
  2. In Baseline, enter the baseline distance and the misalignment angles:
    1. Enter the distance between the two receiving hydrophones in Baseline length.
    2. Receiver firmware below version 08.01: You can complete the misalignment X and Z, for more accurate positioning. See Calculations for Positioning System. Otherwise, you can enter 0. Enter 0 for the misalignment Y.
    3. Receiver firmware from version 08.01: Enter the misalignment angle shown on the drawing.
    Note: The baseline is very important to have accurate positions of the doors.
  3. Receiver firmware below version 08.01: In Lever Arm, leave 0 in the fields.
  4. In Inputs, enter the port and starboard hydrophones, according to the hydrophone configuration.
    Note: On M4 and M6 systems, the receiving hydrophones must be both connected to a hydrophone input between H1, H2 and H3 or both between H4, H5 and H6.
  5. Receiver firmware below version 08.01: In Algorithm, select Compensate if you entered misalignment values in Baseline.
  6. Click Apply.