Display Types

You can choose between different types of display in the customization panel or when you drag numerical data to a page.

History Plot
Trend gauge
Indicates when the value of depth or spread variation per second is increasing or decreasing.
  • With depth data, this gauge is particularly useful to monitor the descent speed of seine sensors.
  • With spread data, use it to follow the variation of the distance between the doors.

Right-click the gauge to set the threshold at which the gauge lights on.

There are also dials specific to certain types of data:

Name Types of data Illustration Display details
  • Pitch
  • Roll
Displays horizon line according to pitch and roll.

Red dot in the middle indicates pitch angle and red arrow on top indicates roll angle.

Wind dial
  • True wind speed
  • True wind direction
  • True wind angle
  • Apparent wind angle
  • Apparent wind speed

Vessel is displayed in the middle in grey.

Apparent wind angle is displayed in blue and true wind angle in orange.

Heading dial
  • Heading (True)
  • Heading (Magnetic)
Red arrow displays North.

Cardinal points are displayed around.

Trawl Speed Dial

For trawl speed type sensors:

  • Water speed along
  • Water speed across

Bearing angle is negative when the sensor is oriented toward port and positive when oriented toward starboard.
Water Speed (WS) Dial

For speed log type of device, data received from NMEA inputs:

  • Water speed along
  • Water speed across
Leeway angle is displayed for port (P) or starboard (S).

Vessel is displayed in the middle in grey.